Its the eve of the new year right now 7:15, I'm currently chilling in a midtown New York apartment sharing a bottle of cheap Chilean wine with monsieur Corentin Maurel. Feeling the need to do one last productive thing in 2011 because what will transpire tonight will be far from it...
After procuring a keyboard to attach to my fried out laptop (yes water spilled on the keyboard), I am back in the writing game after 20 odd days out of it. Excuses, I know its just slackness.
Hope everybody had a merry Christmas, or should I say I wish everybody had a happy holidays (see this is the 'PC' way to communicate positive feeling toward a fellow human being in the US). As far as I am aware, there is far less controversy over these two little words in Australia. It is an issue that makes the blood of both republicans and democrats boil , but really for over what? For those who with alternative religions to Christianity or Catholicism, how do you respond to this phrase merry Christmas?
For me, I was in New York down the hispter side of town in Williamsburg, when a jewish guy wished me happy chunnakah. I wished him it back. No I do not know the origins of it nor do I know the exact details of this practise, but I said it with conviction because it genuinely meant something to him and I wanted to reciprocate such a genuine greeting.
Sure it is arguable that there should be no dominant religion in the US where there is no official language and same could be said about Aus. Its the debate over the delegation of appropriate resources between minority and majority. But there are greater societal issues at hand than the imposition of a warm greeting with religious connotations. So in my round about sort of way I'm saying we should all be receptive of different religious practices and the traditions they have introduced into our society and enjoy and embrace the varying benefits they bring to our lives.
So now after my observations (rant) I wish everybody the best for 2012. Monsieur Maurel just informs that his friend back in France on FB wishes every "a happy new year everybody, many hairdryers and wishes of happiness, be healthy" (direct translation from french to english). There you go, sage words from a very happy Frenchaman whatever trials and tribulations go down, whatever triumphs and victories that come your way... Actually just remembered that this is the year of the Mayan and we will all perish with the end of the world. Like I said respect all religions... Peace out
An Australian's endeavour to share his experiences in a definitively unique and hopefully intriguing medium.

Saturday, December 31, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Method behind my Madness (logistics of cycle touring)
All good in theory, I know... How do I go about doing this? To be honest I still don’t know, there is so much in the air. Yet I have come a long way. After looking at weather, alternate transportation, logistics, goals and timing ( oh yes its always the timing that messes you about), I decided that Dallas (Denton) to New Orleans would be my journey.
The weather anywhere else ie through Missouri, Tennessee, Arizona and so many other places could see some times that would stop progress, something I cannot afford. It would also require so much more expertise and equipment something I am time-wise and financially insufficient to properly change. Australia is cold, but not icy nor snowy. Not all back roads would be safe with a bike loaded up with weight and me being traveling solo on.
Alternative transportation was found in Amtrak, with most of their trains being able to accommodate transportation of bikes. This runs via the path I am intending to take, so if bad things go down I will not be entirely stranded and require excessive funds to rectify. I was also apprehensive of how I would get my bike to LAX cheaply, to send it on its way to its new home in Oz. Once again found in a 48hr Amtrak journey that I have booked already.
Logistics are still worrying, as a natural hoarder, I have accumulated various pieces of memorabilia and as I once was a nimble backpacker, am now a traveling version of Imelda Marcos (shoes accumulate so quickly). Getting my bike and required equipment to its starting point have been sorted through my roommate being a Texas local and taking the bike back during Christmas break. One of my headaches averted, cheers John. But with the rest my valued possessions, of which my mum calls ‘crap’ back home, I could lug that on my poor bike. So I devised a strategy to fly to LA and find somebody who could hold it for me in LA and not pawn it out, I could have just shipped it there but going to LA will be just as cost-effective and heaps more fun. I’ll still have too much weight, so I must get to the scales and send back what I need to via international postman.
Time will tell with other logistics, such as how reliable Google Maps will be in planning out my bicycle route? This may be blind faith, but google knows everything so it surely cant send me down a road where I may potentially damage my bike, get robbed or perish... Can it? I have only been explained the synopsis of the movie Deliverance, but please guide me well god and google maps.
The other one of where I will stay, its exciting but daunting. Exciting in the sense I want to be staying in amongst the heart of a local place seeing how its heart beats, but daunted in the sense of how to approach it. If you have any suggestions please comment or send me a message (go on a more sensible trip will be appreciated but not really considered).
The equipment is also a major concern, I am not a bike mechanic, never have been apart from changing tires (such a major skill)? Is the equipment that I have purchased online quality and able to perform its function. Will I even get that equipment? Well that may be sorted after stressful online ordering. I saved a ridiculous amount of money but processing was so poorly handled and communicated with my order. 3 weeks after I gave them my Aus credit card details they inform me they must ship it to this billing address, so I arranged a friend’s credit card of which they took the details and then didnt charge out the order. Then after giving them the card a 2nd time, there was no confirmation and I rang up again, this time the lady telling me I had to put through an entire new order. They finally put through my order with one sweet lady and she put expedited my shipping for free. I think I may have aged worse than a crack addict, jokes aside I want my order! Sorry for my little consumer review rant but seriously.
So many other things still up in the air but you can only plan so much, the rest you need to change accordingly.
I have spent 5 weeks down in San Anton region, where I was welcomed and cared for by the Lammerts. I turned 18 whilst I was down there and also wisened-up to how limited we really control in our lives. This doesnt mean I dont try and control things, I learned that you need to position yourself in the right flow and then work with that and take what comes. “Pffft he is talking crap you say”, you are probably right but it makes sense to me. So my goal is to see the Lammerts again, along with the good people in La Grange and Austin. I love Texas, there are stark differences yet similarities with Australia more so than other states I guess. Louisiana is unknown to me, but I guess my primary objective is to go down there and help Troy of ‘Swamp People’ find ‘red eye’ ( I can hear the Bayou carrin mah nemm.
The weather anywhere else ie through Missouri, Tennessee, Arizona and so many other places could see some times that would stop progress, something I cannot afford. It would also require so much more expertise and equipment something I am time-wise and financially insufficient to properly change. Australia is cold, but not icy nor snowy. Not all back roads would be safe with a bike loaded up with weight and me being traveling solo on.
Alternative transportation was found in Amtrak, with most of their trains being able to accommodate transportation of bikes. This runs via the path I am intending to take, so if bad things go down I will not be entirely stranded and require excessive funds to rectify. I was also apprehensive of how I would get my bike to LAX cheaply, to send it on its way to its new home in Oz. Once again found in a 48hr Amtrak journey that I have booked already.
Logistics are still worrying, as a natural hoarder, I have accumulated various pieces of memorabilia and as I once was a nimble backpacker, am now a traveling version of Imelda Marcos (shoes accumulate so quickly). Getting my bike and required equipment to its starting point have been sorted through my roommate being a Texas local and taking the bike back during Christmas break. One of my headaches averted, cheers John. But with the rest my valued possessions, of which my mum calls ‘crap’ back home, I could lug that on my poor bike. So I devised a strategy to fly to LA and find somebody who could hold it for me in LA and not pawn it out, I could have just shipped it there but going to LA will be just as cost-effective and heaps more fun. I’ll still have too much weight, so I must get to the scales and send back what I need to via international postman.
Time will tell with other logistics, such as how reliable Google Maps will be in planning out my bicycle route? This may be blind faith, but google knows everything so it surely cant send me down a road where I may potentially damage my bike, get robbed or perish... Can it? I have only been explained the synopsis of the movie Deliverance, but please guide me well god and google maps.
The other one of where I will stay, its exciting but daunting. Exciting in the sense I want to be staying in amongst the heart of a local place seeing how its heart beats, but daunted in the sense of how to approach it. If you have any suggestions please comment or send me a message (go on a more sensible trip will be appreciated but not really considered).
The equipment is also a major concern, I am not a bike mechanic, never have been apart from changing tires (such a major skill)? Is the equipment that I have purchased online quality and able to perform its function. Will I even get that equipment? Well that may be sorted after stressful online ordering. I saved a ridiculous amount of money but processing was so poorly handled and communicated with my order. 3 weeks after I gave them my Aus credit card details they inform me they must ship it to this billing address, so I arranged a friend’s credit card of which they took the details and then didnt charge out the order. Then after giving them the card a 2nd time, there was no confirmation and I rang up again, this time the lady telling me I had to put through an entire new order. They finally put through my order with one sweet lady and she put expedited my shipping for free. I think I may have aged worse than a crack addict, jokes aside I want my order! Sorry for my little consumer review rant but seriously.
So many other things still up in the air but you can only plan so much, the rest you need to change accordingly.
I have spent 5 weeks down in San Anton region, where I was welcomed and cared for by the Lammerts. I turned 18 whilst I was down there and also wisened-up to how limited we really control in our lives. This doesnt mean I dont try and control things, I learned that you need to position yourself in the right flow and then work with that and take what comes. “Pffft he is talking crap you say”, you are probably right but it makes sense to me. So my goal is to see the Lammerts again, along with the good people in La Grange and Austin. I love Texas, there are stark differences yet similarities with Australia more so than other states I guess. Louisiana is unknown to me, but I guess my primary objective is to go down there and help Troy of ‘Swamp People’ find ‘red eye’ ( I can hear the Bayou carrin mah nemm.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
My Big Grand Cycling Plans
What gets one excited? The world is so big and for people as fortunate as myself, with ample opportunities and resources, there are so many choices that serve the purpose of excitement. That's why I like to think outside the box, stretch these possibilities and really challenge myself... Adventure is what some people call it.
So to seek out adventure in America; I wanted to choose something that was not completely unattainable but something that is ambitious. You know that SMART principle they teach you in primary/elementary school, something like that. Though keeping in mind that what I do is generally not the smartest thing in that sense. Dad is always calling me a ‘dickhead’ for some of the ideas that I come up with, I know its his way of endearment and encouragement.
I have chosen to acquire a bicycle as my means to adventure. I have always cycled to uni, down this two lane road, that hosts multiple semi-trucks and bustling cars all trying get onto the more free flowing roads from this notoriously busy road. I love weaving through the 30/40 deep traffic, that has seen 4 consecutive train crossing lights. I guess Dad is right, I have had a couple of hairy situations.
But this is my freedom, without the confines of being in an enclosed space, out there in the ‘fresh’ air (you know what I mean) moving with a reasonable speed that was generated by your own legs.
From the moment I got to Columbia, I knew I had to get this bike. Car would be pointless, bus is so limited and being a footsoldier all the time has its time and distance constraints. After checking out a few through Craig’s list I held back, why though? For some were decently cheap (50-100 bucks) and would serve this purpose as I would not return with one, surely.
I reconsidered after hearing so much cycling talk:
exhibit a) met an avid cyclist on the plane from Melbourne who was on his way to Colorado and racing in a the Leadville 100 a race located in the Rocky Mountains. A race of 100 miles climbing over 2,000 feet (10,150 to 12,424), a race won by Armstrong the previous year (not the moon guy). (
exhibit b) Then there was my Options, Futures and Derivatives teacher (well he is really a doctor) who immediately talked about cycling and was ‘mentor’ for the Mizzou Cycling team. (Loved that class, top learning and so many jokes too, so many!)
exhibit c) Then after a laze by the pool, I stumbled accross the Mizzou Rec Sports Fair, of which I also found out where first meeting was. After hearing of the subsidies of being associated with the team and beers with this crew, the idea hatched.
While I couldnt cycle road as was off season, I could pay a little money and use this to tour the states during my free time. The full commitment didn't come until a month and a bit later, after consultation with a few people. This was when I decided to bite the bullet and purchase ‘the Jake’, a cyclocross bike made by Kona. Wheels were now literally in motion...
Riding to pick up supplies (as its ‘prohibition’ at my living quarters here at Mizzou), able to zip out and run errands, go on a lazy Sunday cycle to the lake or bust out a solid ride on the gorgeous Katy Trail. I have found a lot of serenity in being able to get off campus by my own means, with a glorious 75 degree day (20 odd Celsius). One Sunday after a monster hangover from a monster weekend of high euphoria but high stress, I hopped on the bike and rode it out.
There was something so uplifting rolling down the trail, the flowing river to the left and the autumn colours perched on-top of rocky outcrops, sparkling in the breaking sun. The real magic was found in the cardinals, who were gathered on the paths. With ‘the Jake’ traveling at a decent spead, these birds would fly in clusters off into the nearby bushes, the red of this bird so striking to the eye.
It did come during the weekend the St Louis Cardinals achieved an incredible sporting feat in winning that world series and we were there in that same city to see the absolute jubilation pour throughout. Bird was and is the word.
Not only will travel via bike serve the obvious purpose of a liberating method of transportation, but it will provide reason to take an alternative to the path well traveled. This path being the roads alternate to the highway, the means to uncovering experiences and hopefully a deeper perspective of America and myself as an individual.
This is just a small insight into the forces (my propensity to be a dickhead) that possess me to undertake such a trip and my concerns surrounding this trip. If any of y’all have a story of touring, a tip or two or want to catch up down the path in Jan/Feb 2012, or want to be like my father, please go ahead and comment or message me. Thanks for taking the time to read, look forward to hearing from you. Peace out.
So to seek out adventure in America; I wanted to choose something that was not completely unattainable but something that is ambitious. You know that SMART principle they teach you in primary/elementary school, something like that. Though keeping in mind that what I do is generally not the smartest thing in that sense. Dad is always calling me a ‘dickhead’ for some of the ideas that I come up with, I know its his way of endearment and encouragement.
I have chosen to acquire a bicycle as my means to adventure. I have always cycled to uni, down this two lane road, that hosts multiple semi-trucks and bustling cars all trying get onto the more free flowing roads from this notoriously busy road. I love weaving through the 30/40 deep traffic, that has seen 4 consecutive train crossing lights. I guess Dad is right, I have had a couple of hairy situations.
But this is my freedom, without the confines of being in an enclosed space, out there in the ‘fresh’ air (you know what I mean) moving with a reasonable speed that was generated by your own legs.
From the moment I got to Columbia, I knew I had to get this bike. Car would be pointless, bus is so limited and being a footsoldier all the time has its time and distance constraints. After checking out a few through Craig’s list I held back, why though? For some were decently cheap (50-100 bucks) and would serve this purpose as I would not return with one, surely.
I reconsidered after hearing so much cycling talk:
exhibit a) met an avid cyclist on the plane from Melbourne who was on his way to Colorado and racing in a the Leadville 100 a race located in the Rocky Mountains. A race of 100 miles climbing over 2,000 feet (10,150 to 12,424), a race won by Armstrong the previous year (not the moon guy). (
exhibit b) Then there was my Options, Futures and Derivatives teacher (well he is really a doctor) who immediately talked about cycling and was ‘mentor’ for the Mizzou Cycling team. (Loved that class, top learning and so many jokes too, so many!)
exhibit c) Then after a laze by the pool, I stumbled accross the Mizzou Rec Sports Fair, of which I also found out where first meeting was. After hearing of the subsidies of being associated with the team and beers with this crew, the idea hatched.
While I couldnt cycle road as was off season, I could pay a little money and use this to tour the states during my free time. The full commitment didn't come until a month and a bit later, after consultation with a few people. This was when I decided to bite the bullet and purchase ‘the Jake’, a cyclocross bike made by Kona. Wheels were now literally in motion...
Riding to pick up supplies (as its ‘prohibition’ at my living quarters here at Mizzou), able to zip out and run errands, go on a lazy Sunday cycle to the lake or bust out a solid ride on the gorgeous Katy Trail. I have found a lot of serenity in being able to get off campus by my own means, with a glorious 75 degree day (20 odd Celsius). One Sunday after a monster hangover from a monster weekend of high euphoria but high stress, I hopped on the bike and rode it out.
There was something so uplifting rolling down the trail, the flowing river to the left and the autumn colours perched on-top of rocky outcrops, sparkling in the breaking sun. The real magic was found in the cardinals, who were gathered on the paths. With ‘the Jake’ traveling at a decent spead, these birds would fly in clusters off into the nearby bushes, the red of this bird so striking to the eye.
It did come during the weekend the St Louis Cardinals achieved an incredible sporting feat in winning that world series and we were there in that same city to see the absolute jubilation pour throughout. Bird was and is the word.
Not only will travel via bike serve the obvious purpose of a liberating method of transportation, but it will provide reason to take an alternative to the path well traveled. This path being the roads alternate to the highway, the means to uncovering experiences and hopefully a deeper perspective of America and myself as an individual.
This is just a small insight into the forces (my propensity to be a dickhead) that possess me to undertake such a trip and my concerns surrounding this trip. If any of y’all have a story of touring, a tip or two or want to catch up down the path in Jan/Feb 2012, or want to be like my father, please go ahead and comment or message me. Thanks for taking the time to read, look forward to hearing from you. Peace out.
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